Thursday, May 21, 2009

FAQ#7: Experimental Conditions II

Q: We would like to ask you to clarify your comment in FAQ#6. We are confused and not sure that we understood it correctly.

What do you mean by "a case"? Did you mean that "a case" is a specific combination of good and bad components, and that over all there are only 14 such combinations?

Are you saying that the same combination of faults is replicated 40 times (4 times in each combination of speed and load)?

If the answer to the last question is yes, the implication would be 40 identical lines in the results file for each of the 14 cases. Is that correct?

A: Yes, the same combination of faults is replicated 40 times.

However, the goal of the competition is to promote the exchange of innovative ideas and to advance PHM as a scientific discipline, and, this year in particular, to fault detection and magnitude estimation for a generic gearbox using accelerometer data and information about bearing geometry. Participants are scored based on their ability to correctly identify type, location, and magnitude and damage in a gear system.

Algorithms that rely on knowledge of this specific data set will be disqualified.

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